
Social Consultant - Resettlement / Sociology 薪资面议
北京 1-5年 硕士
五险一金 年终奖金 绩效奖金 带薪年假 发展空间大 公司规模大 技能培训 岗位晋升
冯女士 当前在线 已认证
ERM’s Social Impact Voyager seeks to incubate social impact (across social performance, resettlement, stakeholder engagement, DEI, and political risk advisory) as a key offering across our service lines. Our vision is to become the social impact consulting partner of choice, known for high-quality advisory and technical services that are well integrated to the business and sustainability strategies. ERM China is currently hiring recent graduates / young professionals with a passion and some experience in resettlement and social sustainability to join the team. Role responsibility: Join the team, and you will work closely with service line leaders and senior project managers who will coach you and help you develop subject matter expertise. - Deliver and coordinate small to medium projects that involve social impact assessment, resettlement advisory, labour and working conditions assessment, stakeholder engagement and social due diligence - Conduct socio-economic surveys, social screening for the projects and Social Impact Assessments including Resettlement and Rehabilitation (R&R) framework and/or supervise subcontractors - Support in the preparation of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) including Indigenous Peoples Development Plans (IPDPs), Community Development Social Welfare Programs for Project Affected Persons (PAPs) and obtain clearances for Land Acquisition and rehabilitation - Support in the monitoring, evaluating and supervising the implementation of the resettlement plan and social mitigating measures - Support Senior Consultants/Project Managers undertake social due diligence assessments and prepare corrective action plans as per established international standards (UNGPs, EP, IFC, ADB, JBIC etc.) - You will learn the challenges our clients face and how ERM’s solution will be able to help them achieve their business goals. You may be required to do some domestic or international travel. Requirements: - Master’s degree or PhD in Resettlement and/or Sociology - 1 – 5 years consulting experience and/or relevant professional experience on social performance, resettlement, community development - Practical knowledge and understanding of quantitative analysis tools and techniques and their application for social data management - Excellent report writing skills. Fluency in both written and spoken English is a fundamental requirement. Second foreign language skills will be a plus (e.g. French)


ERM is a famous global provider of environmental, health, safety, risk, social consulting services and sustainability related services. We have more than 160 offices in over 40 countries and territories employing 5,000 consultants who work on projects around the world. Established in China in 1994, ERM is China’s largest international sustainability consultancy, with Chinese and international professionals operating from offices in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. If you passionate are about EHS consulting and are ready for challenge, please join us! ERM是全球知名的环境、健康、安全、风险、社会咨询服务和可持续性相关服务的供应商。我们在40多个国家和地区拥有160多个办公室,雇用了5000名在世界各地从事项目的专业人士。自1994年在中国成立以来,ERM China是中国知名的提供环境,健康,安全和社会咨询服务的国际咨询公司,拥有近100名专业人士,总部位于上海,在北京和广州均设有分公司。 如果您对环境咨询行业充满热情,不畏挑战,ERM期待您的加入!


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互联网 战略融资 1000-2000人
Team Leader
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