
TDP_Manufacturing Process_Electric 薪资面议
天津-东丽区 1-3年 本科
五险一金 年终奖金 绩效奖金 带薪年假 子女福利 定期体检 住房补贴 加班补贴 免费班车 发展空间大
孙女士 当前在线 已认证
Key Tasks: 1. Define & design manufacturing processes and their process & product requirements 2. Analyzing of process weak points and developing of alternative solutions that lead to improved quality and efficiency 3. Ensuring the respective milestone requirements for the manufacturing processes to robust production readiness and handover to related departments (planning, manufacturing, quality assurance) 4. Designing and procuring the necessary equipment and tools to build prototypes 5. Conducting technical negotiations with suppliers to meet the specifically defined process requirements 6. Creating and releasing manufacturing processes, working instructions and process and measurement documents for prototype and series production Qualification & Skills: 1. Necessary education: Master or above in the field of Electrical engineering, mechanical engineering or comparable qualification 2. Personal skills: Practical experience in the development of production-ready manufacturing processes in the field of power electronics/ PWR and their subcomponents sub-components (for example power modules and electronic components) Practical experience in the detailed selection and parameterization of manufacturing processes (among others Press-Fit, gap filling, contacting, direct copper bonding, sintering and molding) Strong technical understanding The following interdisciplinary skills are of particular interest to you: High degree of independence, personal initiative and sense of responsibility Confident appearance as well as high cooperation and communication skills Experience in preparation and presenting of reports and results 3. Working experience: Several years working experience in related area in OEM or Tier 1 4. Language skills: English (fluent), Chinese and German (preferable) 5. IT knowledge: Mandatory: Office suite Preferred: Hardware design CAD tools, Simulation tools, MatLab, ProE, Canape, ODIS, DiagRA, EXAM, ETAS, Inca…
所属部门:Development 研发部


大众汽车自动变速器(天津)有限公司是大众汽车集团旗下的全资子公司。作为大众集团在中国大型的变速器绿色生产基地,公司目前有4600多名员工和两个生产基地,占地76.1万平方米,共有6款双离合变速器及新能源产品。公司在中国市场的主要客户是上汽大众和一汽大众。公司以“众心行创未来”为企业愿景,旨在生产新一代优质变速器,电机和汽车零部件产品;创建智慧型数字工厂,培养高素质员工;对环境,社会和员工高度负责以及始终守法并诚信行事,为客户创造价值。 自2014年起,我厂持续为大众汽车集团(中国)的数百万国产车型供应高品质DSG双离合自动变速器,成为行业中重要的一员。我们一直秉承高质量标准和技术水平以保持在中国市场的发展势头。目前已实现4款双离合变速器及2款新能源产品的量产,并对其中2款变速器进行了二氧化碳排放的优化。2020年另一款适用于MEB平台的新能源纯电动动力电机即将实现量产。其中,DQ400e混合动力变速器和APP290纯电动动力电机的本地化生产标志着大众集团进一步强化其电动化战略并为其进入电动汽车市场迈出了坚实的步伐。 大众汽车自动变速器(天津)有限公司不仅追求在科技领域的领先位置,而且连续多年被杰出雇主评选协会授予“中国杰出雇主”殊荣,公司力争成为一支一流的、充满动力、追求成功并同时保证公正透明的专业团队。我们紧跟集团“T4I” 项目,始终将诚信与合规作为我们日常工作的基础。随着天津“海河英才”计划的推进,越来越多的人才选择做一个新天津人并在这个充满魅力的城市一展宏图。 VWATJ将为您提供快速成长的平台和充满挑战的工作环境,您的奉献,创造,创新与激情将在这里得到肯定。在VWATJ,您将在一个多元的平台中,在整个大众汽车集团及其全球品牌中, 实现职业发展并创造自身价值。


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  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
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