
销售顾问- 阿迪达斯北京THE BOX三叶草旗舰店 6-7k
北京-朝阳区 经验不限 学历不限
带薪年假 交通补助 通讯津贴 定期体检 上市公司 500强
孙先生 5小时前在线 已认证
欢迎加入adidas零售直营门店! THROUGH SPORTS, WE HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE LIFE! 通过运动,我们可以改变生活! 自1949年成立以来,作为世界著名的体育用品公司,阿迪达斯总部位于德国黑措根奥拉赫,共有超过59,000名员工,2022年总销售额超过225亿欧元。其中,大中华区拥有超过400家直营门店和10,000名员工。我们的员工充满热情和活力、积极进取、富有创造力,正因为拥有这样一支精英队伍,公司快速发展至今日的规模。adidas渴望优秀的你加入,我们一起共创辉煌、创造奇迹,同时让你的生活时刻与运动时尚紧密相连,实现个人价值! 同时我们拥有: 当季酷炫的潮服! adidas员工内买! 10天带薪年假! 五险一金及补充医保! 加班补贴及节假日福利!都在adidas!!! 赶紧动手申请吧!和我们一起改变生活! 您的工作日常: 1、 作为adidas的销售专家,发掘销售机会,积极主动地帮助店铺达成业绩指标; 2、 作为adidas的门店伙伴,参与店铺运营,执行运营标准,比如货品管理、陈列、收银、库存管理等; 3、 作为adidas的品牌大使,熟悉产品知识,宣传产品特性及优势,为顾客提供专业的服务,解决顾客需求; 我们对您的期望: 1、 真诚坦率,乐于沟通和服务他人; 2、 热爱学习、热爱沟通,热爱团队协作; 3、 充满活力和运动热情,愿意在零售行业长期发展,抗压性强; 我们的工作时间: 早中晚排班制,做五休二或做六休一,视业务需求而定。
所属部门:Own Retail Store 直营门店


adidas is a global leader in the sporting goods industry with the core brands adidas and Reebok. Headquartered in Herzogenaurach /Germany, the company employs more than 56,000 people across the globe and generated sales of € 21 billion in 2017. In Greater China, the company employs more than 5,700 people and generated sales of over € 3.7 billion in 2017. adidas China was founded in 1997 and headquartered in Shanghai, one of adidas’ six key cities across the globe. With a population of 24 million, Shanghai is the largest city in China – and eighth largest in the world. It's the country's most important center for culture, commerce, and industry. Sometimes referred to as the "Paris of the East'," Shanghai prides itself for being a fashion capital as well. Shanghai is also the headquarter of adidas Asia-Pacific market which is crucial to achieving the brand’s mission to be the best sports company in the world.


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