
伊尔姆环境资源管理咨询(上海)有限公司(ERM China)

专业技术服务·夜上海论坛 50-99人

ERM is a famous global provider of environmental, health, safety, risk, social consulting services and sustainability related services. We have more than 160 offices in over 40 countries and territories employing 5,000 consultants who work on projects around the world. Established in China in 1994, ERM is China’s largest international sustainability consultancy, with Chinese and international professionals operating from offices in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. If you passionate are about EHS consulting and are ready for challenge, please join us! ERM是全球知名的环境、健康、安全、风险、社会咨询服务和可持续性相关服务的供应商。我们在40多个国家和地区拥有160多个办公室,雇用了5000名在世界各地从事项目的专业人士。自1994年在中国成立以来,ERM China是中国知名的提供环境,健康,安全和社会咨询服务的国际咨询公司,拥有近100名专业人士,总部位于上海,在北京和广州均设有分公司。 如果您对环境咨询行业充满热情,不畏挑战,ERM期待您的加入!
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